Thursday, April 30, 2009

Be Prepared- Episodes 5.1 through 5.13

The beginning of season 5 marks the beginning of what was supposedly the end of the Buffy series. I asked myself before watching these episodes "Why is she just now meeting Dracula?" Thinking further on it, though, I realize that possibly, Buffy needed to be ready to meet the legendary Dracula. Though Spike claims his disappearances and shape-shifting are all simply magic tricks, you've got to admit that it takes a lot to kill him. It took Buffy three times and I'm still not certain that she killed him.
Just like Buffy had to prepare to meet Dracula, these episodes share a great deal of Buffy becoming prepared for what lies next. (I know the entire show is about Buffy preparing.) However, the difference is that in these she really seems to have matured and be prepared. In the others she spent a majority of the time wondering if she was ready or trying to get out of it or she seemed to not quite have things in perspective. In these episodes we're introduced to Dawn who Buffy discovers was intrusted to her care. She was chosen to protect Dawn from the evil powers which are present now. We also watched the episode where Buffy asks Spike to explain how he killed the other Slayers (what they did wrong). Buffy is taking a lot more responsibility for her position at this point and is beginning to realize the important role she plays in the lives of others.
Unfortunately, Buffy is still learning in these episodes that follow. In "Into the Woods," Buffy and Riley's relationship turn to a pivotal point. We have seen Riley's feelings for Buffy being taken for granted (at least according to his perspective) and now Buffy is having to make a choice that will determine the course of each of their lives. At the end of this episode, when Xander is talking to Buffy we can really see how vulnerable she truly is. Though she appears to be decided in her decision that Riley is being unreasonable, it takes Xander breaking her for her to realize that she has to make a choice and it has to be the right one. I can see this experience as leading prepping Buffy for the decision that is coming at the end of this season. She is learning to make, smart, quick decisions that will undoubtedly influence the entire world.
"Checkpoint" gives Buffy another opportunity to practice making smart, practical decisons on the spot. With the council there the entire episode, Buffy is put under a lot of stress and she realizes that the council has her being tested when she should be doing something about Glory. Though the Council doesn't trust her, Buffy realizes that she needs to trust herself and the power that is inately hers and allows her to be a strong, bright woman.
"Blood Ties" is the episode where Dawn and the Scoobies discover that Dawn is the key. The key point (no pun intended) of this episode is when Buffy lets Dawn know that they are Summer's women. They have the same blood flowing through their vains. This fact gives Dawn a connection to Buffy as well as helps the audience realize that Dawn and Buffy share a common strength and purpose to bring about good.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Rose says:

    Lauren: you've got some distracting errors in the post, so you do need to proofread.

    Try a little more analysis -- the kind of thing you do in the aragraph about "Checkpoint" -- don't just comment, but put things into the larger context whenever you can.
